About Us
BRECS.net is an academic network whose primary objective is to contribute to
strengthening the technical, normative, and formative capacities of Latin American
countries in the area of biometrics from an interdisciplinary perspective based on
the creation of an international collaboration network with the participation of
specialists in the area and the training of human capital in technical and ethical
aspects of advanced biometric systems.
This network is formed under the umbrella of Project ANID FOVI230126, funded by the
National Agency for Research and Development of Chile government.
Academic Integrity
Organization, decisions, and actions are guided by honesty, trust, fairness, respect, inclusion, responsibility, and courage.
Research Mobility
Promoting researchers and students' mobility among the centers or universities to which BRECS.NET members are affiliated.
Scientific Events
Collaboratively organizing scientific events and dissemination activities on biometric recognition technologies, applications, and regulations.
Collaborative Research
Conducting collaborative research actions, thesis and shared academic programs.
Joint Projects
Formulating joint projects and applying for international or national funding presentations.
Shared Repository
Sharing a repository of publications and digital resources related to BRECS.NET’s areas of interest.

Members of BRECS.NET enjoy equality within the network. BRECS.NET is an open academic network that encourages new members. Consequently, upcoming members will be admitted without distinction of nationality, institution, or other circumstances, apart from their interest in joining, and the contribution they can make to the purposes and objectives of the network.